In addition to other therapy services, the rehabilitation programme for athletes is composed of:
- one-on-one treatment,
- one-on-one training at the fitness centre,
- proprioception training,
- stretching exercises,
- sports massage,
- taping (taping supports joints and partially limits their flexibility so as to alleviate the pain)
- neuromuscular taping. Tapes with skin-like properties are placed on a specific joint/muscle in compliance with the prescribed rules and a specific procedure. They improve circulation, alleviate pain, improve flexibility and reduce swelling. Tapes also contribute to better stability of the joint.
- prevention and counselling.
Strength and endurance testing on the BIODEX PRO 4 isokinetic dynamometer
Testing and training are appropriate for all athletes in good health for preventive purposes as well as for all injured athletes that are interested in the progress made during rehabilitation following joint and bone orthopaedic and traumatologic surgeries or conservative treatment of soft tissue injuries. Athletes return for testing 3 and 6 months after their surgery.
After testing, a test of muscular endurance is performed showing the endurance of muscles and the appropriateness for more difficult exercises/stress. In-between, the athlete is notified of all exercises they should add or continue with as part of their regime. The real muscle strength is ascertained in the test of muscular strength. Given the results of the testing, a recommendation is made whether the athlete should resume or discontinue sports activities. All tests are performed in comparison with a healthy leg.
Training on the BIODEX PRO 4 isokinetic dynamometer
Training on the above isokinetic dynamometer constitutes the most effective training for boosting muscular strength, improving joint stability, alleviating muscular atrophy and imbalance. BIODEX PRO 4 is customised to the athlete's abilities and is completely safe. Specific muscle groups can be trained under the physiotherapist's supervision.
Balance testing and training on the BIODEX BALANCE SYSTEM
Balance is assessed by means of the state-of-the-art Biodex Balance machine that facilitates balance testing (specification of stability thresholds), assessment of the ankle and knee status, proprioception and stability exercises and exercises intended to boost the amplitude of movement and to transfer body weight properly. As part of training for athletes, it is especially recommended to improve balance and coordination of movement.
Testing on the KT-1000 knee arthrometre
Compared to the healthy leg, the testing identifies the level of stability of the knee joint or laxity of the anterior cruciate ligament. Notifying us of the success rate of the rehabilitation/surgery, this test is of key importance for both the operator and the tested subject.
Functional training
Functional training is based on the functionality of individual movements and is related to preserving or improving the function of the individual. It requires both static and dynamic production of muscle force.
TRX tape training
TRX tape training constitutes suspended training during which only our body weight is made use of during exercising and gravitation is taken advantage of. We are thus supported on only one point of the body, whereas the opposite part of the body is touching the floor, enabling us to specify the portion of body weight to be used by each exercise, strengthening the thorax as well. The exercise can be carried out in an easy or extremely difficult way.